Tuesday, August 12, 2008

signs of cheating men

A sign of a cheating man article by Walter J Higgens titled, Signs Of Cheating Men-Is Your Man Cheating?

Are You Worried That Your Man, Husband or Boyfriend Are Cheating On You? Are you tired of the aching feeling and sleepless nights. If You Do Not Take Action Today, Tomorrow Will Be Another Day Of Worries!This is for you who REALLY want to know the truth. Even if the truth might hurt. You need to collect facts before you confront your boyfriend or husband, the more you know,learn the signs of cheating men will help you when you confront him. During your "investigation" you might even find out that he is not cheating on you... you do not want to destroy a good relationship.

If you've been searching for the best way to catch a cheating man,Or signs of cheating men then let me first say that I can help. If lately that tiny voice inside has been telling you that something just isn't right in your relationship then it might be time to take action. When trying to catch a cheating man you must first start with the basics. Use your senses, look, listen, smell and feel.Be armed with the signs of cheating men.If you are past the point of healthy communication than you might want to exercise caution rather than confronting him immediately. After all, you're suspicions might be incorrect; if they're not he may just try that much harder to cover up his infidelity. Using good sense may save you from making unnecessary accusations as well as help you to uncover the truth about your man.


* You get that gut feeling that tells you he's cheating on you. Things just aren't adding up.You all of sudden feel the need to go through his belongings almost expecting to find something.

* When you question your man he gets very defensive. He might even get mad at you to throw you off. He is hoping that you will put your thoughts of infidelity to rest if you are afraid to ask about it.

* His stories aren't making sense anymore. This is because he will make up a story at that time and for the moment not realizing that the date or times don't add up. He will sometimes forget what he told 3 days ago. So make a mental note and ask again casually in 3 days. Work will seem to pop up a lot to cover time lapses. This is classic. I was the hardest working man when I was cheating!

* You are feeling that dis-connected feeling within your relationship. Remember that see-saw back in the school yard. When one side went up, you know where the other side was. This is usually the same when your mate is having an affair. Many times there is a deeper problem in the relationship that would need to be fixed anyhow if you are to truly be happy. Although you are not to blame for someone stepping out on a relationship, infidelity is usually a symptom of a deeper problem.

* You discover e-mail accounts that you didn't know existed. He will refuse to give you access to his email account. He's not stupid! Is he?

*He doesn't invite you around his friends, company events, and other social activities. Is he cheating at work? It can be worse than a nightclub. There will probably be less of a chance that he is cheating at a night club.

* Unusual mood swings. These are one of many signs of cheating men that is caused by the internal conflict and struggle that you man is going through during his time of infidelity.

* Lack of intimacy. This doesn't always have to be in the form of sex. It can be a decline of touching, cuddling, holding hands or kissing.

* The sex frequency has changed!


*Improvements in wardrobe or personal appearance.

*Turning it on you.

*Suspicious Computer Activity.

*Sudden Changes in Schedule.

*Emotional Distance.

*Less Time Together.

*Does he buy new phone equipment or use new technologies that he hasn't before?


*Grooming habits change. He is more attentive to his personal appearance and buys new cologne, clothes and underwear.

*Communication problems. When you want to speak with him he usually says that he's tired or that he's had a long day at the office. He has difficulty looking you straight in the eyes when he tries to answer your questions.

*Low sex drive. If your husband doesn't want to make love with you, then something is wrong.

*Spending more time on the phone, out of earshot, or on the internet when you are asleep. This can be a sign of a cheating husband.

*Frequent business trips that take him away for days.

*Late-night phone calls.

*He becomes irritated when you bring up things you want to do with him.

*The house he once took pride in is going to hell.

*Changes in his work, leisure and financial habits.

While there are numerous terms given to cheating men from "improper relationship" to having an "undercover lover", it all boils down to one same thing; cheating. According to the recent study by relationship experts, men nowadays are cheating their spouse more than ever.studies have shown that almost 75 percent of married man either cheat or are involved in indecent relationship. Another study has also revealed that most men who are cheating their spouses are doing it within the first 3 years of a relationship.Therefore, it is crucial for you ladies out there to arm yourself with the right tips and knowledge and signs of cheating men, on how to catch your cheating men.

About the Author

To get vital information on Signs of Cheating Men and to Catch Your Cheating Man Go To :http://tinyurl.com/5t44ms .Once You Know For Sure That Your Man Isn't Cheating And want to learn the Art Of Making up Go To:http://tinyurl.com/6pwhpp. Good Luck and Remember You Can Do Something About It!

Sign Of A Cheating Man

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Catch a cheating man

Very thorough sign of a cheating man article called - Catch a Man Cheating:What To Look For by Bea

Suspicion of infidelity is a horrible thing.

It can cause insecurity, anxiety, fear, sleeplessness, depression, and can occupy your thoughts and mind all hours of the day and night.This can lead to immense amounts of emotional stress.Catch a man cheating for your own peace of mind.

You begin to speculate: What did I do to drive him them away? Did I love him enough? Did I smother him? Will I ever trust him again? Will our relationship ever be the same? What does the other person have that I don't?If you don't catch a man cheating these thoughts and questions will consume your brain.

After a while your health can suffer and your performance at work can suffer.

And then it starts to affect others.

Your children can become aware that something is wrong with Mommy , and they too can feel insecurity, anxiety, fear, sleeplessness

And they too will begin to speculate.

Infidelity hurts the whole family especially innocent children.

And it destroys the safety and sanctity your home.Sometimes when you try to catch a man cheating you will be right and sometimes you will be wrong the important thing is you catch a man cheating or maybe your suspicions will be wrong but you must try to catch a man cheating and resolve this issue that is weighing on your mind and causing you so much undo stress.

Look ou for these RED FLAGS to catch a man cheating:

Usually, the thing that will tip you off to catch a man cheating is a change in behavior.

So, let's look at just a few of the behaviors that you might observe, if you catch a man cheating

Catch a man cheating look for Behavior At Home:

¨ Appears distant, show a lack of interest or develop an unexplained aloofness

¨ Is frequently tired or lack interest in the relationship

¨Comes home smelling of an unfamiliar fragrance

¨Wears cologne much more often than usual

¨Arrives home and heads straight into the shower/bath

¨Gets dressed up a little too well (to) for trips to the grocery or running some other kind of errand

¨Begins to speak more and more harshly to you, or are more sarcastic. Sometimes this is just an attempt to justify their cheating or to give them an excuse to storm out of the room/house

¨Asks about your schedule more often than usual

¨Develops an increased focus on losing weight or pays more attention to their appearance

¨Stops wearing his wedding ring and, when asked, can't give a reasonable explanation

Catch a man cheating with changes in romance

¨Is no longer interested in sex, or he makes excuses for its infrequency.

¨Starts to request kinky or other erotic sexual activity that you have never done before, including watching porn

¨Shows a new talent in the bedroom

¨Appears reluctant to kiss you

¨Criticizes you for showing him attention.

¨Continues giving poor excuses for why he is not in the mood to make love. Catch a man cheating with these oddities in his work

¨Work longer hours, more frequently and keep you from viewing his paycheck/pay-stubs

¨Changes his established routine with no apparent reason

¨Begins discouraging you from calling him at work

¨Is often unavailable when you try to call him at work.

¨Returns calls long after you leave a message for him.

¨Prefers to attend work functions alone and tries to discourage you from attending.

¨Takes more trips for business reasons

Catch a man cheating with suspicious phone behavior

¨Receives mysterious phone calls.

¨You get an increasing number of hang-ups or wrong numbers when you pick up the phone.

¨Phone bills show unexplained toll or long distance charges.

¨Hurriedly answers the phone to answer it before you do.

¨Leaves the room to talk on the phone.

¨Whispers while on the phone.

¨Deletes numbers from caller ID

¨Behaves differently or ends the telephone calls abruptly when you enter the room. Or appears to hang up quickly.

Catch a man cheating Paper trails

¨Finding credit card receipts for gifts you didn't receive.

¨An increase in ATM withdrawals.

¨Credit card receipts showing purchases from places that unknown to you or seem suspect

¨He rushes to get the mail before you do.

¨Unusual phone numbers appear on the bill.

¨The duration and time of the calls appear excessive.

¨He are secretive about their cell phone bill.

¨He starts to pay the phone bills or credit card bills themselves.

¨ You notice business travel or other deductions for travel or other expenses that you were unaware of.

Catch a man cheating with these signs from the car

¨The passenger'sseat is adjusted differently than you had left it.

¨Taking child seat out of the car for no particular reason.

¨Finding suspicious items like phone numbers, receipts, lipstick, condoms or strange hairs in the vehicle.

¨Keeping a change of clothes in the trunk.

¨Unexplainable mileage or a lack of additional mileage. For example, if your spouse state they went out of town yet the odometer indicates that only a distance of 25 miles had been driven. Conversely, if your spouse states they have only been to the office that day, yet their odometer shows many more miles ad been driven, this too, may be a significant matter.

Computer-related to catch a man cheating

¨They warily guard access to their computer.

¨They shut down the computer as you walk into the room.

¨They add password protection their computer.

¨Or they stay up to "work" on the computer long after you havve gone to bed.

¨They have unusual sites showing in their browser history, or erase them after each late-night session.

¨They delete email message more frequently

Again, let me reiterate that these behaviors are only indicators of infidelity and are not absolutes.

Some cheaters are very deceitful and can cover their tracks superbly. They may become more attentive in an effort to compensate for the fact that their attentions are going elsewhere. They behave like model parents in an effort to alleviate their guilt. They can juggle the extra-marital relationship, while tending to the marriage in a seemingly flawless way.

They may also have friends that will help them to get out of the house or provide alibis for the cheater.

When You Begin to suspect, just observe -don't accuse: If, after some consideration, you begin to have suspicions then don't accuse, but just observe. If you accuse your partner and are mistaken, you risk causing unnecessary and irreparable damage to your relationship damage that may take a lot of time to recover from. Find out how to catch a man cheating.


sign of a cheating man

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

sign of a cheating man

Discover the Latest Signs Of Cheating Boyfriend And The Signs Of Cheating Men article by sign of a cheating man expert, Thomas Schmidt

Learning the signs of cheating boyfriend and what to look for is not as easy as it may seem. Men are sly and full of tricks they use to deceive the women who love them. Once you start to indentify the subtle signs of cheating men you will no longer wonder if he is cheating on you! Men think they can get away with anything and feel they can fool most women. How do I know? Because I was once one of those foolish men who cheated and as you read each word in this article, you will soon be educated on the ways of cheating men.

Here are the top five signs of cheating boyfriend:

Changes in sex drive and sexual behavior - Sex is one of the elements that make a healthy and happy relationship. What happens when men begin cheating? They will begin sleeping with their wife or girlfriend out of guilt more often. Guilty feelings start to prey on their conscious so they feel if they make love to you more often, they will not feel as guilty. On the other hand, you can look for a decreased sex drive and when you do have sex with them it a lot less intimate.

Changes in habits and routines - Look out for these subtle clues or signs of cheating men. When you begin to see a sudden change in their schedules you should start to use caution. If it's a sunny day out and your man says he is going golfing and will be home late and you are suspicious, check his golf shoes for fresh grass. Or better yet, check the pants cuff for grass clippings. If he has started to stay late at work when he has never stayed late before, you might start to grow cautious.

Loss of Anger - When your man no longer argues over issues he would normally argue about, it's a subtle sign he may be cheating. Cheaters avoid confrontation on all fronts, making sure the issue of cheating never arises.

Puts more focus on you - Cheating men feel guilty, they are human after all. I know you are probably thinking right now they are not, but still all in all they are human. When he feels guilty, he will start to place more importance on you. He will start asking you how your day was and start placing more focus on your feelings. It's the guilty feeling he is living with and he wants to emphasize how important you are, even if he is sleeping with someone else.

Cell phones - If your man starts sleeping with his cell phone next to him or constantly erases phone call and messages. This is a red light that he may of started an affair. When they become protective over their cell phone it's a sure sign of cheating boyfriend.

These five signs are subtle signs of cheating men. Look for them if you feel any indication your husband or boyfriend may be cheating on you. Signs will start to emerge where you never saw them before. So if you feel he is cheating, make sure you look for them.

About the Author

Decide for yourself today if you are ready to learn the truth. The choice is yours. Live in fear everytime he steps out the door or read this special free report found at Signs He Is Cheating and end your stress and anxiety that preys on your mind each and every waking moment.

sign of a cheating man